Me Too
It’s not up to us to decide what is and what isn’t Abuse - Injustice.
It’s up to You
African village - Albany - white-supremacies - patriarchies - castes:
Things Fall Apart.
Courts and committees and councils might have at it.
It’s up to Me to Admit and Apologise.
At 17 I attempted what I now understand to be unwanted sexual intercourse.
Luckily! my girlfriend was strong enough of self to stop us.
At 40 I felt guilty for my attraction to a student.
I apologised for any discomfort my sex driven attentions may have caused her.
I did not propose or intend sex. Her reactions are hers and I am guilty.
At 60 I wrongfully used words to suggest sex right there, in the gallery.
It does not matter it was meant as a tribute to her attractiveness. I apologized.
At 69 I wrongfully touched a woman for one second - one thousand one.
Alcohol & Opening puff - Disgusting. I apologized to her.
I have always felt Sex.
How did I get to Out-There?!
It Is Me.
Ironically, and throughout, sexual performing has always been problematic.
In love or casual - it could be impotence - premi - good.
I never knew what was coming - I was never a cocksman - always anxious.
So what?! Bill.

Bill Dane