thru all the filters, i know someone who seems to be able to experience love - giving over self - trusting an other - capable of intimacy - open - not fearful-anxious - available and accessible...
i feel that i have evolved - developed - created a place to live where this is not possible - a safer place - alone - familiar...
if i read more i wouldn't write this stuff

Bill Dane
​ 2007
​ to today:

​   ​
    ​   New-U
sers       Sessions       C
ities       C
 1 May   2007             0                        0                  0                0
Today   2018          13,090              22,938           2,752          125


2008 to Today:

Dates         Photo Views              PhotoStream Views
2008                  0                                      0
Today           928,860                             8,764
Bill Dane
Of Course  i'm sorry to drag you thru mi messes  Dan   cameras   deleted-files    etcetera
oy meg    & then you
Bill Dane
Dan edits our interviews into a li'l me-book with pictures & we email:
Sounds like a plan
If this editing is fun for you Dan  then please proceed  and  as-you-like-it
i can and will stay out-of-it if that is what you desire for your own sanity and dignity Dan Bill
Bill Dane
​Co incident​  Nick n I will begin major move to SquareSpace on Monday
You will see if we've left the old 'form'   when we have
&!  a Nick-love: there will be an "Add to cart" button on each picture 
he's 'sure' sales will magically birth - jeysoos?
From now on  & in the interest of me 99%-99$ dignity 
15" long-side x "?"  pictures will sell for $99  add only ship-cost
Bill Dane
you work - i blood around
​+: i work også  Bror    Nancy can't find the penger   not even pennies


Moses says he'll do guide wit weed - my '60s did not neurotic-work - bet i'm a brownie guy
Bill Dane
Our pleasure Michael
And  I do not find your Invoice
I can't just say  "Thank You"  and go
We are in this together
You are a Pro    you made a house-call    you fixed our problem
I know 'we are cool'  and  our exchange-rate is mutually valuable  but ...
Not on the backs of workers
Grateful Bill  Nancy  Esther
Bill Dane
Valentina and Dan   Have Fun   Carbonite Done   All Files Restored
We'll check it soon enough Dan - Thank You So Much 
¡ I'm BackingUp like a rope-pulled burro . . . 
Bill Dane
Thank You much Doc Szpakowski
Long Live Our Flickr
They're all found - mostly in our streets 
I go from 35mm to Macro 
Crop w/minimal 'tweaking'
Now i'm using me last rig - Fuji X-T20 w/18-135mm
Os  Bill
Bill Dane
Afortunados todos
​   y   Suerte a todos​
​=  ¡Gracias Peter Coonradt   So well done    
we got the dvd working ayer​  Os  bill+++

Bill Dane

Dan du diddl in me old L.A.

  Lr5 does



with me RAW files - uploads Not. Jpegs - OK.

&  who cares?!   it'll all come out in the May wash ...

​Carbonite @ 99% fini

Nick n meg  SquareSpace Creation Session of biblical ​magnitudes will commence on Monday

+  2 cameras in use here

​+  when you have time



we will check 

Carbonite Restore 



At your convenience fa-sho!  in the days n weeks ahead!  My Pleasure  Bill.

Bill Dane
Always a pleasure Tony
I loved the parking & entrance hunt - met more folks!
We are historically placed so beyond the village scene - even of the '70s  
Exponentially exploding ingredients ...
Production of any kind of exhibit is way beyond me  $99   
The Internet offers adventures in sharing  connecting   wit small $    
We Be TRUCKIN'...​    Bill​
Bill Dane
Moses (possible) Diversion & Happiness (mine) Project
We cover materials  and +
"Moses Dulberg Dane Design Place"
Rustic Log DayBed with plywood-platform to fit & support 
a  29" x 75" foam mattress  and a body
o boy! ... ?
Bill Dane
just because this n that
I keep flickerin' as if you were  William Keckler
​Os  Bill   Bill​
Bill Dane

"I'm still resting. He's still working on his"
Bill Dane
So Lucky meg! 
Dan comes to town with his students from Norway
Shows meg how to work me camera 
Restores me picture-files
Heads for L.A. in a really big bus  full . . .
Bill Dane
JRW &/r whoever we are
we gotta get ta movin'... & TRUCKIN'... Big BoI
this chair-shit gotta be diddled
i'm gettin' fat  J
ma knees r crap
Let's Focus Brō!
¡The Streets R Us
Bill Dane
Hello Dave  my g-uncle and g-father started Thacher School there in 1889 - came west to save a brother from TB - my mom born there - I played there summers & winter Brakes! rode rich kids' horses - swimming in 'pool' wit thirsty then dead tarantulas - 'adults' so happy to turn us all loose all the hours of all days ... et cetera  Os  Bill
Bill Dane
and if i do a foot-in-mouth-thing while WWSuffering earthquakes us all  
well ... Blood Me!
Bill Dane