washing machinfix-it blues
it's all good  Esther   Jeremías   
take your time   you'll get it done    
#1s:  schoolin'... & truckin'...  
+: They got it done!    +!: Ess finished ther semester Yay!  Jere is drivin' his trucks...
Bill Dane

Sir Charles!  our Berkeley school Royalty! 1975

Bill Dane

Today my people finally have a Black Royal Meghan Person !
Me Vikings next?     o dear  this stuff takes centuries     All of us out of Africa !

Bill Dane
just can't get grandly enough outside and inside my head and history to Know stuff
so  many  perspectives
why   it's  enuff  to  float  looonacy 
Bill Dane
I want you to have all the pictures you can possibly . . .
did you ever see pics of the display walls - 'Salon des Refusés' = hell yes!

Bill Dane
I'm going to visit Moses in Olympia and coming back
Bill Dane

This blog
"its great and interesting. i read about 25 entries this morning." 

OMSpirits!   sales are really quite bloody off the menu  gotta love it  Mo   Thank You!  Dad

Bill Dane

You have your picture   juan talega singing  hat-head beauty   infinity swirls flyin'...

i have me street-hat   i will show you a picture of us  asap ... found


&  erhaps  dam me Michael  fer oft floaty  terse-oblique   

i do love the fun of doing simpleton words-thoughts   am i unkind?   disrespectfull?

simply  can't make enough time to touch all our fine Flicker comrades


Thank You.

Keckler wanders off   for fine reasons  His!

I love Flickr Rocks  Michael   You!    

take this me-load off anytime   we all wander around   for fine reasons

I've done more of the passing year on my editing-mac-ass  than under the street-hat

it's the website-remodel  wit sun-in-law   gettin' real close   ol' icarass sindrum

i'm a bit susceptible ta cute

Bill Dane
*Moms *G-Moms *Friends to Moms *+ Os us
Bill Dane

my presently preferred suicidal ingredients: be weightier
this new real soft artisan white bread from costco   6 slices daily
lots of best foods mayo   i find forms: canned salmon/eggs/tomatoes/cheese
o  grilled cheeses real late  w/old recorded english detective series & headphones
organic brown jumbo trader joe's eggs   maybe 8 a week
relatively unchemicaled  cheesepuffs   1 bag per week  all at once
Peet's coffee & TJ's coffee ice cream   1 quart per week   all at once

Bill Dane

cold coffee is too
birds come for water only
seeds made rats
on my ass
look at Nancy's 365 garden beauty
I think I'm thinking
remember that thoughts vs ideas thing
eat canned salmon squashed with mayo and plants
back on my ass w mac OS High Sierra Version 10.13.4

Bill Dane
A real question is  
What if this is our One & Only book-project?      
'perfection'  or a limited-generic-bio-government-pamphlet thing?  
I press.  
Perfection  or reasons
WORDS on every left page W/a PICTURE opposite on the right = words-picture JS knew
After hours: remind me - why the rush?
We all have 100s of hours  Brō   999s +
Bill Dane

Only two deaths have a lasting hold on my heart head gut = Misty ‘n Mikey
I've said - plant me with them in our backyard - ashes good

Bill Dane
o dear
JRW &/r whoever we are
we gotta get ta movin'... & TRUCKIN'... BoI
this chair-shit gotta be diddled
i'm gettin' fat  J
ma knees r crap
Let's Focus Brō!
¡The Streets R Us
I am JRW ,plain and simple... well maybe not so plain nor simple, but ready to jump off the front of the train blindfolded into uncharted lands and start walking. No Map. 
The chair has it's place and has served us both well.
Moving is lubing, so off the butt and out into the world. Our body simple requires it.
During this down time i've been reminded of Lewis Carroll and his idea that you have to run faster and faster to stay in the same place.. and so to move forward,means that we have to move like hell. Post haste!!!!
Thank you for your gifts, your constancy and exuberance about just getting out of one's own way and flow. Flow baby flow!!!
Sending you love and thanks, Bill. 
There are not, in my life, any living people ( or access to anyone with their feet on the ground and multiple decades mining this crazy life, and evolving art form) with your depth and arc of time in the practice. That makes you the gift. John
Gifts go round n round     Thank you  JRW
Bill Dane
i'm not touchin' my computer-backedup-desktop-picturefile-Lr5-thing 
until you do TeamView wit me diddlin' fool-self
​Dear Dan
Os  Bill​
Bill Dane
Nick:  "these aren't helpful.  just put them on a usb flash drive"
o dear
I am floored 
I am rolling on it
rock n roar 
need more floor 
go to the big room from my closet 
I am out
Bill Dane

thru all the filters, i know someone who seems to be able to experience love - giving over self - trusting an other - capable of intimacy - open - not fearful-anxious - available and accessible...
i feel that i have evolved - developed - created a place to live where this is not possible - a safer place - alone - familiar...
if i read more i wouldn't write this stuff

Bill Dane
​ 2007
​ to today:

​   ​
    ​   New-U
sers       Sessions       C
ities       C
 1 May   2007             0                        0                  0                0
Today   2018          13,090              22,938           2,752          125


2008 to Today:

Dates         Photo Views              PhotoStream Views
2008                  0                                      0
Today           928,860                             8,764
Bill Dane
Of Course  i'm sorry to drag you thru mi messes  Dan   cameras   deleted-files    etcetera
oy meg    & then you
Bill Dane