wen i get u woke bror
i'm gonna ask you wtf is with all this dashboard shit & dockings
this top bar full o nuts n bolts o' pop-in miseries
whoa-is-me the usa-whiny-techless-dickhead
i'm simply going to keep editing Dan
text and moving pictures around
for you to perfect at your pdf-convenience Dan
may the spirits bless you my sol Os bill
:+ pdf med sprer seg like two page spreads like real books
text pics are good-enough in-place to do PDF
they dont all have titles and they are not sized correctly i move them as best i
will be editing text on whims n fancy my fucking distance vision is computer disturbed
ha ha pink man yo
could be simply 80 & 6/12s or ¿ the military-industrial-political complexities
site by tiny internet company e yo
for reasons entombed
my grandfather Thacher likely be better known at Midland than to Thachers
Edie n the shadows knew
THINK before we all die ...
Names and Locations of the Top 100 People Killing the Planet
Os bill
i must say the book pdf is today’s-ready to be sent out for rejections
gotta love it time folks
i do quirky
we pay
o dear kickstarter
sidesteppin’ supplication talk to you later
Ilhan speaks for us in this Jewish home...
'Hands Off Ilhan':
Black Women Rally in Support of US Congresswoman
tusen takks og o boys!
i'll get my text straight Dan
mid-may we'll laugh our asses off
og you'll wonder wat da fuck you were thinking
og wat li'lbilly did
Os bd
HA HA on me
gotta go thru em all on tweak alert ...
just finished the 150+ book pictures today-eve
always a buddhist-commie blessing... Os
+: i know good that you have real lives
Nick thank you for pointing me to paradises!!!! Os
you woke yet
check out
'escalator over the hill' carla bley et al
'caroline or change'+ tony kushner
'three penny opera' weil n brecht
+: he’s composing a musical n won’t savor this post = tooff shite
"If a man does not keep pace with his companions, perhaps it is because he hears a different drummer. Let him step to the music which he hears, however measured or far away."
Henry David Thoreau
o dear no HDT didn’t know li’l bd
simply don’t want to charge money for my pictures
we live capitalist-mess-usa-planet
family might get a few dollars in-future
drag n print Folks
my pleasure, bill
I figured out what I want to do so I wrote:
No more sales (excepting Vintage) from/at the website - billdane.com
I want to tidy our future.
I want to publish on the website (& Flickr) the size file so the people could drag & print only a 5x7" (or less) picture.
for collectors
I will ask Dan to print all 867 website pictures @ (approx) 11" long edge edition of one (1/1)
((o Dan! og Skogn tools be good to us))
which I can sign now
price of $11,000 each
in-future to be determined by Nancy-Moses-Esther-Monet-Nick-Romy
as the future evolves into buddhist commonism . . .
William Thacher Dane
aka Os Bill Dane 4/11/2019
+ I want to be buried in a buddhist-pauper's grave in a forest? where do we go?
read these my words Thanks Xs Bill+
pass opp dan! they bs oss for their funk$$$:
billdane.com Analytics = 2007 zero
Views Users
79,712 14,457
også also også also alas også dan
flickr Analytics = 2008 zero
see wat i mean Os bill
nick says and i listen
no one publishes picture titles: 2019 Albany
no one in any world he will participate in
= my bad dan bill
only: Albany 2019
you get my drift bror
de fleste planetarians ha det mer painfilled enn oss - skandinaver - vi er den lykkeligste
most planetarians have it more painfilled than us - scandinavians - we are the happiest
when BLACK LIVES MATTER we're all better
dear dan way off in may 2019
it will be necessary before we do send-out-pdf to replace all book-pictures w my final-tweaked-versions & selections
i will send our picture-possibles when i finish tweaking before wednesday when nick n i do the same for the billdane.com
Os bill
Dear Codemaster t
please do a terse pithy one:
? what would it entail re-putting up 930 finally-tweaked-pic-files
ie how many hours ?
let's say & and we want to be with each other again socially at 1065 & 307