Thank you very much Matt
Lenora knows
I know stuff
Nancy knows
Our kids will know stuff
Maybe they think we're masters
Humbly we be
figures of speech
Thank You Matt Love Bill

I love it Bill. Great body of work! Total reverence and respect before the Master!

Bill Dane

Raymundo Familia Hermanos Trabajadores
¡Les ​D​amos ​L​as ​G​racias ​A​ ​T​odos!

​Abrazos NancyBill​
ECO-SOCIALISMO ​y​ VIDAS MARRÓN ​y ​NEGRAS ofrecen una oportunidad de sobrevivir​
tome a Marx en serio​
... it's not pretty.

Bill Dane

Isn’t it just swell that we moved out of America and no one told us.
Third world country now.
Civil war for sure.
Food lines children in cages lost to loved ones forever.
Horror times.

Bill Dane

I want You and Yours to have my book Experience
Forgive  if these emails disturb
No Reply expected
Off the mainstream-art-grids   You are my personal resource
Manager-Dan has informed some people of our adventure
Please Forward
Thank You  Bill

Bill Dane Pictures's not pretty.
50 Years of Photographs  I'm still in love
Managed with Dan Skjæveland

222 Picture pages   100 Word pages
Dam sorry I can't Give you one   self-publishing loan recovery  forever
Please buy my signed book here @
Checks Real Good too!   1065 Talbot Ave  Albany CA  94706 usa
$60 You pickup   $70 USPS Media USA   $100 Canada   $130 Overseas
Paypal  Venmo use "Send to friend" so I have no fees
Global Eco-Socialism   BROWN BLACK LIVES MATTER   give us all a chance to survive  ... it's not pretty.

Bill Dane

Actually  I try never to shoot   even the peace-time-army was enough for me
I hate bluejays  Nancy says I can't even shoo 'em   I agree
Never came up with a hot replacement-verb  snap grab camera picture  this capture-thing  oy
Can't care if i picture or not  J   to mention hips knees
Always busy w internet birds bees butterflies books
There's this garden spider next to my head  it does this amazing shit daily
Global Eco-Socialism y BROWN BLACK LIVES MATTER​ give us all a chance to survive...
... it's not pretty.   it is amazing

Bill Dane

Your book is perfect
For us all
For me  the non-student of most   excepting my own survival-intuitionism
Thank You Rob Os Bill

Eco-Socialism For Now and the Future Robert Albritton

Bill Dane

…For Christ's sake, you and the book are bomb.
I could wish you a book signing tour, but we are in the midst of a global pandemic.
I am just sorry about, performance not meeting expectation…

Your critique is appropriate and taken and loved
John ​i cant write much clear​
I am not surprised by the sales
They are actually beyond expected
We'll recover our loan!
But capitalist influencers are not in my play book
Dan is doing plans to engage folks beyond my pale
I cant care about all that  I have 2 picture books to finish for the internet only   where many live
IF we survive our capitalist-pol-eco fascism.....

Bill Dane

You think we’re not I’m not moved by Connection

Bill...groking your book.. half way thru.. incredible bravery, discussing personal life, thoughts of exalted photo people not always mainstream.. direct arrow to the head /heart/lungs
give me time to absorb... revelatory eyeopening clarity... I ask for an alright to suggest your life/descriptive book / art to friends... may be that none understand. Many may or may not but tell it like it is.


Jan/Canada/one love

best to "Bill 'big heart' Dane"

Bill Dane

to be hopeful
USA is beginning to feel tiny bits of what it means to live in global impoverished-oppressed-ecodecimated communities
november will tell if we're learning
losing Bernie clues us to the powers of the capitalist death march...

give us all a chance to survive

... it's not pretty.   it is amazing

Bill Dane

on the internet   emails   our websites   flickr   facebook   twitter   instagram
new outsider share platforms comin'...
this is where hip students-people will find us
like we-they find everything now
w​e are having all the outreach needed
after oslo! TAKK dan  .....fuck free books to capitalist influencers

​give us all a chance to survive
... it's not pretty.   it is amazing

Bill Dane

Garver here. 
That's right. Blame it all on the bindery!
What a shockingly cheap and startlingly effective way to get all the folks who have invested so heavily in the purchase of your book to actually look at it carefully, and not just skim through it lightly before placing it prominently on the coffee table as a silent symbol of sophistication!
Classy, and a lot cheaper but just as effective as sending out a note saying, "Please examine your books carefully as I had a $100 bill bound into one of them--but just one of them."
All best, (And, as previously noted, I have waded through the thing, from one end to the other, and did so without provocation or bribery. In so doing, I can honestly say, as an unsolicited testimonial, that, "Even though it will absorb some of those minutes God allocated to you at birth, looking and reading, even looking and reading this book, should generally be regarded as one of life's more beneficial activities!"

Os T
Best ever from  "Garver here."
I'm gonna blog this smarty pants
unless you send the law/lawless after me

Bill Dane

Who needs fireworks when you have Bill Dane’s new book?!
Looks great! Danke!
Keep on doing it, young man!

The Norm it’s Bill   I chose this 5 yr book-sit in my chair ... fuck-me in the face of yours
Been wise said  Keep on doing it, young man!

Bill  My comments are all meant and sent with love and humor;
I can never tell with yours; BillSpeak is still a foreign language to me.
You are a provocateur, pictorial and poetic;
I imagine every snap, crackle and pop of your Rice Krispies is met with a wry retort.

Norm   like my pictures   i believe they're all straight to you
Love n humor   always   in-parts + + +  up ta you
After all this   it's impossible to be real sorry for perceived missed steps
You  me  we've always bumbled in the same zones Norm   well  not $
You have a place i've only glimpsed Norm
me  aura-migraines   depression-anxiety   hips knees   lucky giant polyps   small melanoma rt lung visitor golfball hamartoma
? luck chance genetics bubbles i got heartburn brother
I hope you feel good more times than I do
The Willies do stuff
¡We'll give 'em the Willies n love it!
Os  Bill      I probably do love you Norman William Lofthus

​W​hen BROWN and BLACK LIVES MATTER​  we are all better​
Plutocrats will keep our USA as white and capitalist as possible
... it's not pretty.     it is amazing....

Bill Dane

This is a Book
For people from 8 to almost dead

Bill Dane

in my tree non-drinkers do good aura migraines n depression-anxiety to the side
I would celebrate the coming of the Book at Monet’s kitchen table
risotto risotto and alfredo scollop pasta and roasted vegetables
Monet Nick Romy Nancy + and masks? outside?!

Bill Dane

Coming soon

Bill Dane

Hello   and we are fine as messes allow    Best For You All
It's the times Sam  age  could be illness  death  divorce  retirement  conversion to buddhism
of course you might buy my book    re-fi   ?    
Oligarchs will keep our USA as white_capitalist as possible.
You're connecting is never too early  too late    I'm reclusive  asocial    I do miss TJ's n costco
now I miss you
... it's not pretty.

Bill Dane