Response to an an academic's article going around n around...

Response to an an academic's article going around n around... is important that we strive to find and read pieces that actually get deep into the history and context of this horrific moment and provide complex intersectional insights as we are forced to witness & reckon with this--and there are MANY brilliantly written things available to read and I respect the intention of learning and sharing and seeking out relevant analysis and news.

BUT, I am disheartened and sad by having to read this based on recent conversations because I think this article actually and very clearly completely misses the root and core issue in all of its paragraphs. my first and best response would be to not respond, but I'm going to go ahead and speak my piece on this one.

..i don't think he meant for the article to be just one big typo but he accidently said, " first we need to condemn what happened on Oct 7" instead of saying "first we need to condemn the occupation of palestine by Israel for 75 years" oops he has it backwards--because in fact what happened on Oct 7 was born of decades of elimination, land grabbing, abuse, trauma, occupation bombing violence and parallel acts inflicted on palestinians by Israelis so in fact..there is concrete justification for the occurrence of a violent act against Israel at some point as resistance movements against occupation must be inherently violent to gain liberation from their violent and heavily militarislzed and US funded and backed opressors..from a violent oppressive state acting as a proxy for the US imperialist military white supremacist zionest project (no one is denying that people dying isn’t very sad, may they all rest in peace. Im sure many of them were great people but..hey if you have to say "Full Stop" about the oct 7 killings First and Not Full Stop for hundreds of Palestinian children murdered by israeli soldiers in recent yesrs with gunfire bombs during raids and forced displacement--check the stats-- OR 75 years of deep intergenerational trauma and violence and 75 years of Palestinian children dying and wetting their beds and losing their parents and getting garbage hurled at them and not thinking they will make it to age 13..then there is a major problem.) 

unfortunately, this appears to be yet another Israel-centered, why can't we all get along, wishy washy article by likely a white jew that in no place, written or inferred, demands an end to Israeli apartheid or names the genocide of Palestinians for what it is and focuses on that.

Quote "Israel must prevent the already massive humanitarian disaster that is UNFOLDING in Palestine from expanding further"

this is a passive sentence without an actor..the disaster isn't unfolding, Israel caused it. how and why would a state purposefully enacting genocide on a group of people randomly decide to stop and  "prevent it" has not been only unfolding this week, Israel has been violently trying and succeeding to exterminate and control and wipe out Palestinians for years. This author cleverly lifts and quietly pushes aside any clear accountability & responsibility guilt and shame from Israel for the massacre of over 5000 Palestinians, making it easy for especially white Jewish readers to continue to get behind the rhetoric of "before we address what's happening in Palestine we have to address the brutality of the hamas attack" which is a PR /news tactic that directs attention to the violence of Hamas and makes it easily to call Palestinians(and Palestinian children) terrorists as they are slaughtered and bombed their grocery stores and hospitals watching their children be charred and crushed under concrete rubble and amputated or resuscitated by doctors with no electricity or supplies or anesthesia  on the cold ground in a room full of other childrens’ dead bodies, and absolves Israel, Israeli jews, christian zionists, and the US government and population, of responsibility for doing the only meaningful act of : Pulling all money from military aid to Israel and stripping them of their power and retracting support so they cannot finish off the Palestinians which is what their doing streamed on the world stage.

This perspective is not helpful ( for me), insightful innovative nor politically/analytically complex and just is more of the same talking in circles without decisive messaging toward truth and justice...

I could make the analogy that it's like if a woman covered in old bruises, past never healed, broken ribs, head trauma, ptsd whose been made to stay in a tiny closet when she actually owned the house before her husband moved in, and living in this closet under threat without proper basic resources to meet her physiological, social, emotional needs, scarred and wrecked from years of domestic violence and control and threats of murder, finally comes back with a knife and stabs her abusive husband in the leg or the groin or god forbid the NECK but he recovers and so now he may need a cane to walk, and the cops or the news or the woman's neighbors or the government or whatever or this writer guy say ..First we have to acknowledge the brutality and horror of the knife attack on the leg of this man FULL stop Before we can address the human safety and right to Life of the abused woman , because her hands’ act of violence was not justified by all the years of abuse (??) and hopefully we can just come to a solution that works out for everyone..Lol no

Any group, news story, city, government, school, etc that does not unequivocally call for an end to the genocide of Palestinians is complicit with each Palestinian death, and therefore the deaths of the Israeli citizens...whoever forgot people die in wars, violence occurs under totalitarian oppression. Palestinians have been under siege for years. Free Palestine. End The Siege. Ceasefire Now. End US military funding of Israel anything less is garbage and we know it. 


The best/only good thing I've heard today is that the City of Richmond passed a resolution in support of Gaza and Palestinian Freedom they are the FIRST US city with its mayor and city council (thanks to Arab Resource and Organizing Center and Asian Pacific Environmental Network) to call for an end to the genocidal war Israel is raging on Palestinians.

thank you
(EDD, Jewish usa woman, RN)

Bill Dane

our little in-law apartment sink-frig-2burner thing gave it all up
it disintegrated by bits over 60+ years
the front panel fell off
Sara called the view a fright
me entertaining
bless tiny frights these days

Bill Dane
Tom Garver died

DAM death

Dear Willie Williams at Haverford

I met Tom​ Garver in '78

then  I literally bumped him at a rural nor California railroad museum

I went to photo

He went to ride

Tom created the most engaging show of my photo-history at his Madison Art Center '81

it traveled to Santa Clara University '82

wish i had a visual!

We did emails until this sad year

You really knew Tom

I hope Photography does

Love  Bill at

Bill Dane

decisive moment

so many kinds

Bill Dane

Hi Bill - 
Thanks for the gorgeous book. You are such a rebel - no copyright, no publishing company, no ISBN number. The photos are remarkable. Your lifelong devotion to the principles of art - as you outlined them to me in 1966 -has been inspirational; from the post cards to the window reflections and on. I also want to thank you for being pretty much the sole teacher to treat me like a worthy human being and not some fuck up who needed to improve. High school was not the best time for me - I bloomed later - but your love and support and modeling of adult behavior was a bright spot in a dim time. I well remember much from that cluttered and dingy classroom. The testament to the power of that bond is that it has lasted all through these years. We have lived through almost all our ages in each other's consciousness and what lives we have shared. 
Please accept the enclosed collection of used newspaper articles and old liner notes as a humble gift in appreciation for all that you've given me and, in particular, your beautiful book, which is a true treasure to behold. 
js = Smart Ass = lucky us

Bill Dane

Shinto Manyoshu with Beckett's poems right here on my li'l table right here by my mother's leftover reclining chair = my hip-spine-head recovery nesting place​ which i should have left n should leave more often than not Bill, Bill.

Bill Dane

Dear Bill, …
I am surprised that our paths have not crossed as we have a close parallel history and most of the people that you mention in your book are/were also my close friends. My introduction you your work was as a young museum director in Sydney, Australia, where I remember hosting John Szarkowski on a lecture tour to five major cities across the country. John gave a series of slide lectures on that tour where he presented images of your photo-postcards. He was fond of the San Diego sprinkler series that you had mailed to him. I thought that they were playful, inventive and smart and I loved how they expanded the idea of how to present one’s work outside of the traditional normal channels that were, and still are, notoriously difficult to break into. I was impressed not only by your work but also by your creative approach to getting it seen.
Your book is quite magnificent. What you did editing your words from Dan Skjaevaland’s interview into enigmatic impressions and vignettes is very clear to me. It becomes some sort of equivalent to your photographs. A memory narrative seems to me to be more like short phases and stand alone words rather than polished prose. I’m particularly thrilled to see a lot more of your work and I’m happy to know of your website.
So thank you for sending your book and reacquainting me with your work. The book has a prize of place in my library...
All the best,
Graham Howe Curatorial Founder & CEO

Bill Dane

You Dam Busy John
Happy Crocker People Pictures
Pleasures for you all !

i am being me - hip recovers slow
cramped spinal parts - knees - et al
You Know the spillover + bla bla
age wins some big ones

The book has run it's natural contemporary art capitalist coarse
i dont whine in public about nothin
We covered our 13k loan w sales!
Now I can return to free-shares
Twixt Dan Skjaeveland y meg 500 approx 79 books remain...
Now  I donate them to photo-eye to sell when needed - they are good Picture-Folks!
Neighbors get em = block-famous
My-Our (Major Powers, et al) this here Website
is the second most thrilling ingredient in my li'l life.
I Love It.
that'll do it...
Os Bill

Bill Dane

Sara i hear that people who cross as rude claim shyness
i am whatever you think

Luis is invited to
on a desktop or lap to commune wit a real li'lbilly
the holes fuss-thing! please thru my "iLog"
(nevermind the buy page)

truthfully i only miss dead cats...
early onset dementia @ 1938…

Bill Dane

Emails between childhood Thacher School playdaters:

THANKYOU again Freida
will go as bigscreen as possible with your films!
Edie  mother  was alienated by lots
brother dead at 5
mother dead at 7
father  William  odd n distant
boys school
conservatives all over the places
she was a Vassar commie '30s
married against her reason
divorced to restart her journey
small $  worked  frugal  single mother
always socially progressive
open to & supportive of "outsiders"
created Head Start in west Pasadena
twice Woman of the Year in the Black community
"off-white" I call us
she had the backs of all cousins who finally came out
and to your recollection: she was warm & welcoming to all kids & "grownups" outside our family... common stuff
= a fine childhood w ordinary traumas  chills  rejections ... joys
lots of free playing... onyourowness
. . . this is more than you need to pass by here
I fled southern California fa-sho
separated from cousins like from highschoolers
still bits connected to Anne Sherman  Weezy Tony Families... Mike Hermes was a friend til dead
all lucky-good-bad-entitled stuff
I digress
Be Well

- - - - -

Freida Mock wrote:
Yes share (these emails) & I look forward to diving into your poetry/haiku/ word slam et al..and catching up. You’re next door to Berkeley where brother _ lives. I love visiting Ojai where daughter _ lives with her family…on Thacher Road!!! so I keep in touch with the clan that I think you kinda fled…you mom is very vivid, positive to me growing up, a beautiful person, lady…
Per films the recent ones are on the streamers but you can see some from our site but I hope you mirror to a big tv monitor for a fun effect -
Big cheers - Freida
FYI - American Film Foundation/ Sanders & Mock Prod -

- - - - -

Dear Found Freida, Lucky Again Bill.
Film goes to deep
Film has always been my THE !
By '61 Berkeley had 5-7 art film places Kael inspired gifts waiting for us
Treasures blind wandering of this non-academic gets some focus pointers
Robert Bresson Cassavetes Fellini Godard Fassbinder Almodovar Scorsese Lee Sayles Jarmusch lotsa boys ... got too busy to stay current
Todays Nancy and I do find all the
girls on our wonders smallscreen
?How You All Manage! It All!? Films!
THANK YOU Freida+!
Your Links set us and Others up for Pleasures
You've gifted us all plenty (= no pkg we'll find all we've missed . . .)
Grateful Bill

- - - -

Dear Bill,
It’s so generous and thoughtful of you to send me your magnificent book which I set aside for a moment until I could give it my full attention after my current deadlines.
When I realized there are so many fascinating ideas, poetry, ’stream of conscious’ flow of pictures and humanity in your book, I decided first to simply look at your photo and art and save text and words for a time when I could savor all.
As a first experience, I let your fascinating photos ‘wash over me’ and when I’m back from a short trip, first RT flight n 2 years !, I plan to read your book. It’s Great that Dan came in to your life, like a Boswell!
What I love about photography and your work is how ‘framing’ with your eye toward humanity creates a deep focus for the viewer. Congratulations on your body of work!
If you’re interested, I’m happy to send you some old media dvds of my work but much of it is available on the streaming sites or on Vimeo.
Attached here are trailers of my recent ’21 and ’22 releases, the later of which is in festivals, a few theaters and available on the streamers. I hope you see them!
freidamock. (LMK if there are dvds from here you’d like) ••••• “If have any interest in music being in a choir is’s like so fun.”- Billie Eilish, 6 years in choir starting at age 8
Friends - The Choir and Conductor, a sequel to the Oscar - nominated SING!, has launched in theaters and on streamers. Here’s the movie trailer and here’s the Streaming info“This is the best children’s choir I've ever heard.” - Conductor Esa-Pekka Salonen
What happens when a woman gets the chance to conduct? A world-renowned Choir for children where Billie Eilish learned to sing at age 8 is electrified by its charismatic Conductor Anne Tomlinson who uses the power of choral singing to profoundly shape and transform the lives of thousands of children. The story is a celebration of music and the arts as vital and healing to children’s well-being during times of uncertainty and cutbacks in the arts. ••••And here’s RUTH. Both movies are on the streaming platforms - ”RUTH - Justice Ginsburg in Her Own Words,” a 90 Minute Feature Documentary Film - VIEW THE TRAILER Champion of Justice

- - - - -

Thanks Bill.  I enjoy knowing you’re making the world a better place. Thanks!  I remember the beautiful spirit of your mom and her smile.  On occasion I see our ‘old gang’ - Weezy, Tony et al - as my daughter ____ lives in Ojai on Thacher Road and I love visiting the town which has been overrun and inflated by urbanites.  
Wishing you very best -

- - - -

Hello Freida, Bill Dane
What is your mailing address please
Hoping you are good enough to Go...
Bill WilliamThacherDane
Wicked white-supremacy
Savage capitalism
When BLACK LIVES MATTER all lives will
Planet survival = eco democratic socialism

Bill Dane

Dan Skjæveland takes a 10 day written exam at the University of South-Eastern Norway, Porsgrunn
Becoming an official Folk School Professor (+++!)
from us over here

Bill Dane

. . . Also I will enclose my book, Doodling on the Titanic: the Making of Art in a World on the Brink. I’m not sure whether it ever came to your attention. I’m hoping you will at least find the chapters about Art in the Age of Digital Reproduction, Art in The Age Of Melting Glaciers, and Art in  the Age of Genetic Modification interesting. When I think about your work I think about it in terms of some of the ideas in those chapters.
There is so much about your work that invites interpretation. Rivers of words could be written about it. And some have, although the ones I’ve waded in, don’t seem to me to do you justice. Your work may invite interpretation, but is also allusive and slippery. It evades as much as it invites. Nice going,  Bill. And I can’t resist adding my two cents (this is also partly why it’s taken a while to get back to you):
What I see in your work is this: I see reflections of reflections, representations of representations, in which “the real” has no primacy or rather is not privileged over the image. The fact is that our experience of “the real” is largely an experience of images, and therefore is fragmented and incoherent. To use the term that Walter Benjamin uses in his essay,  “The Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction,” – look at me, getting all fancy quoting Walter Benjamin – what is lost is the “aura” of the original, it’s privileging as against the reproduction. Benjamin was talking about the “original” work of art, but I think the same is true of the “aura” of immediate unmediated experience. If it’s not reproduced in some way it seems less real, and the images seem realer than whatever it is they are the images of. (Even in the early black and white (or rather tones of gray) photographs of, or example, Gaudi’s Sagrada Familia or the pyramids of Egypt, you strip the famous tourist attractions of their “aura,” so they lose all pretense of being in any way more deserving of attention than any random thing one might choose to look at.
It seems you set yourself the task of paying attention to the random, the overlooked. all that we dismiss as not worthy of our attention. And what you reveal is mystery. For multiplying reproductions and reflections, weirdly degraded and distorted are in fact mysterious – what strange alchemy produced them? What path did they travel? What tales do they tell? And what you find as well as these multiplying reproductions is composition, pattern, colors that could be appreciated as “abstractions,” but your “abstract” compositions never allow us to forget the unsung, unheroic reality on which they are based and to which they remain  tethered.
t seems to me this is what, intentionally, unintentionally, instinctively or with premeditation your work is “about,” although art is never “about” anything but itself.
Which brings me to what I think is an interesting paradox. In your photographs, original, unmediated experience has been replaced by its mediations, reproductions of reproductions. But you, the photographer are recording an unmediated experience of those layers of mediation. And each of your photographs is an “original – a “Bill Dane.”  You could sign it on the back. And it is important that a Bill Dane photograph has an “aura, ” and the bigger the aura the better, because that’s how Bill Dane gets a reputation as an “important” photographer, gets exhibits in prestigious galleries, even at the holy of holies, the Temple Mount of art, the Museum of Modern Art in New York, and that’s how Bill Dane gets Guggenheim Fellowship and National Endowment of the Arts Fellowship, and that’s how he makes – hopefully – money.
It looks like that was the path that you were on, and then – fame is fickle – the path seemed to peter out.  As it says on page 322 of your book, “Bill’s work started disappearing from the gallery walls and institutions and photo public moved on to other work.” I wish it had not been so, and who knows,  history may yet reward you, like so many who did not get the full measure of appreciation they deserved in their lifetime. But there is another way to look at it: Which is that ironically, the destruction of the aura of the real that your work memorializes now extends itself to the memorials you have created in your work. Without all that fancy scaffolding of fame and attention, your work loses its aura. Maybe people no longer pay it the attention it used to get. Maybe, just like what you photograph, your photographs are now neglected and overlooked. But nothing has changed. They are as valuable as they ever were. You began by mailing out thousands of free postcards. Now towards the end of a journey, you give away free copies of your book.
Okay. I’m done.
Osha Neumann email w permission 2022

Osha Bill
your words float overhead
It took me 4 years to find my mundanes
The fact is and always has been:
I walk and hunt for treasure unknown... with my history intuition
Instinct and soul engaged focused
Hoping to be grabbed by never-seen-by-me-before stuff
No theories... just a minds-on guy
But but I love and appreciate others' reactions!
These are the facts-fictions of life-viewings = you are right
Et ceteras
Os Bill

Bill Dane

Dan Skjæveland
cousin Joe says your now famous fantastic guy is Knausgaard
so why did he move to Sweden
will you move
I'd like to move along a sidewalk

Bill Dane

li’lbilly dont complain
i sat for 6 book+ years
nothing weird
arthritic wear
no structural damage to hip replacements
spine = arthritic wear some compression & slips of discs nothing 83 unusual
I have spasms inflammations = exercise ice advil
now going to PT w diagnosis in working hands!
Go Slow
Sorry to Bother You

Bill Dane