looking into tree leaves
hanging by a spider's thread
a detached leaf
spinning drifting
degree of free
Velkomst! Dan
Oakland 2008
Sir Charles! our Berkeley school Royalty! 1975
Today my people finally have a Black Royal Meghan Person !
Me Vikings next? o dear this stuff takes centuries All of us out of Africa !
This blog
"its great and interesting. i read about 25 entries this morning."
OMSpirits! sales are really quite bloody off the menu gotta love it Mo Thank You! Dad
You have your picture juan talega singing hat-head beauty infinity swirls flyin'...
i have me street-hat i will show you a picture of us asap ... found
& erhaps dam me Michael fer oft floaty terse-oblique
i do love the fun of doing simpleton words-thoughts am i unkind? disrespectfull?
simply can't make enough time to touch all our fine Flicker comrades
Thank You.
Keckler wanders off for fine reasons His!
I love Flickr Rocks Michael You!
take this me-load off anytime we all wander around for fine reasons
I've done more of the passing year on my editing-mac-ass than under the street-hat
it's the website-remodel wit sun-in-law gettin' real close ol' icarass sindrum
i'm a bit susceptible ta cute
my presently preferred suicidal ingredients: be weightier
this new real soft artisan white bread from costco 6 slices daily
lots of best foods mayo i find forms: canned salmon/eggs/tomatoes/cheese
o grilled cheeses real late w/old recorded english detective series & headphones
organic brown jumbo trader joe's eggs maybe 8 a week
relatively unchemicaled cheesepuffs 1 bag per week all at once
Peet's coffee & TJ's coffee ice cream 1 quart per week all at once
cold coffee is too
birds come for water only
seeds made rats
on my ass
look at Nancy's 365 garden beauty
I think I'm thinking
remember that thoughts vs ideas thing
eat canned salmon squashed with mayo and plants
back on my ass w mac OS High Sierra Version 10.13.4
Only two deaths have a lasting hold on my heart head gut = Misty ‘n Mikey
I've said - plant me with them in our backyard - ashes good