Been buildin' you this Bill-Book me-words & 99 pictures
pdf went to Aperture 1st then 4 more bigs who will ever do this quirky-love?
We will.
My Flickr
The final edition of 1969 to 2018 pictures started today.
Sat 9:99 PM until . . . I croak.
You think there's fools here crazy enuff ta keep on truckin'... post-billy?!
Wait til they know how much we work-play.
Os, Bill
When I've done with this bloody-but-exciting tweaking of all my files - I'm likely to export them to delete every other bloody stinkin' file I never wanna see from again! I'm puttin' this in my pipe og smokin' it Dan Sklæveland. billy
Dear Dan it's 9:99pm here
I'm very bloody happy with the book today
Very bloody hoping you will find your way to a similar experience
I am very grateful to you Dan
Only 79 but I gotta be all totally committed to this portrayal of me n mine
Getting there Omfavnelsene-Os Bill
+: This picture tweaking is very exciting very difficult days
to mention depending on Mac & Lr5 to do me right n save!
Me & Nick back to website total re-build - Nick tired at tiny
Since the 60s (genetic chemistry huge)
I can not comprehend folks living sane in our messes
We do blockage real good oblivion meds chem-alteration diet exercise luck
Bloody hell if I can know even how we do this
It will be recorded yours is so you and no other soul's
Thank You. Love Bill
From Norway Dan's at the house - suffers Bill 2 weeks Os William.
Now Dan’s in SF wit his Fuji … Do Not Disturb!
i washed the dishes - you can come back i’ll be gone to Moses til the 11th eve
Now Dan's back at the house = 2 more weeks
Dear Dan Thank You Bill have pleasures +++
To include somewhere:
"Don’t ask me, I just got here." This was the last line I uttered in a dream this AM - woke me up crying.
capitalist oligarchic fascist white-supremacist history present . .
I may have the slightest idea what it's all about. Os, Bill
Dears Romy Monet Nick !!!
Too out of it with book & to Moses visit
I will miss good Yous' stuff
Gotta clean up here after 13 days of total grind immersion
To mention months of transcountry communing
Dummy books ordered Dan left to do a 2 week usa photo life
Kitchen+++ a mess me too Nancy survived Esther cool
See you in a week! XsOs g-pa bill
We will have our book
Yes, he really was a King Cnut.
Thank you ... we've known bits - both sides of me came on the same 1620 ship to Masslessachusettes
we have no known kin left on that east coast to check wit
gotta love it all ... as in 'amazing'
hearing aids just love motors