I was never, straight or gay, sexually assaulted or abused.
Propositioned - of course.
Emotionally - I believe so.

Bill Dane

Me Too
It’s not up to us to decide what is and what isn’t Abuse - Injustice.
It’s up to You
African village - Albany - white-supremacies - patriarchies - castes:
Things Fall Apart.
Courts and committees and councils might have at it.
It’s up to Me to Admit and Apologise.
At 17 I attempted what I now understand to be unwanted sexual intercourse.
Luckily! my girlfriend was strong enough of self to stop us.
At 40 I felt guilty for my attraction to a student.
I apologised for any discomfort my sex driven attentions may have caused her.
I did not propose or intend sex. Her reactions are hers and I am guilty.
At 60 I wrongfully used words to suggest sex right there, in the gallery.
It does not matter it was meant as a tribute to her attractiveness. I apologized.
At 69 I wrongfully touched a woman for one second - one thousand one.
Alcohol & Opening puff - Disgusting. I apologized to her.
I have always felt Sex.
How did I get to Out-There?!
It Is Me.
Ironically, and throughout, sexual performing has always been problematic.
In love or casual - it could be impotence - premi - good.
I never knew what was coming - I was never a cocksman - always anxious.
So what?! Bill.

Bill Dane

Picture book under construction - HOLD UP = My Words?! ...on every bloody page?!
I am not worthy.
I disappear fer hours from usual life...
Viking guide Dan Skjæveland
Thank You Too!

Bill Dane

You just started big teaching year and continue a Life!
I Know This, Dan.  Men, Not in your youth-shoes here D.S.!
Can You 'afford' to take Our sweet time with this?  
Until it's perfectly me?
Are you good with 'perfectly me'?
I will continue to edit my words.  
Won't matter what 'form' we put them in,   
Words on left page - one Picture n right page.  

They only need to match, connect, play for us.   
Or not-at-all.  We'll simmer n
It simply has to be perfect for us.  Bill

Bill Dane

i am a child, WK
engaging some Masters   
You Know Them  William, period.   
so... xo

+: You Are Soul William Keckler, period. 
we know you're there n here
no plops of hubris, virtue-signals   
thanks, us

Bill Dane

Go away again
The sounds are
The wave lengths there
Pebbles not all smooth and welcoming
Making due since '38 Rincon Carp
Leave word - not all in the sand-dad
Not citharichthys sordidus
You know stuff

Bill Dane

pretty exciting   billdane.com   book text editing   workers unite soon @ your desk!
Moses here   he is   cool rig         
tryin' to stay outta managin' the visit   keep it zipped   fun!


Bill Dane

I am editing my book words - over n over - I could hate myself after this...

Bill Dane

"Criminal activity" - No, "Capitalist fallout"

Bill Dane

Gotta Keep On Ekspanderende...
Easy ta say  Bror
Just finished a crawl thru my book-words  Dan
It will happen again  getting way closer to me  
Not easy for a hands-on-head   pass the weed?  veryfunnyhere
I wanna go Edition One  talk and look with Ben Zlotkin  again.
I must see exactly how my pictures will present.
Any suggestions  reactions   updates ?
Tryin' to become relatively WILLIAM

Bill Dane

Moses Dulberg Dane says,
In just two short months I'll be leaving the Pacific Northwest for St Michaels, MD where I've accepted a job at the Chesapeake Bay Maritime Museum as a shipwright apprentice working on a full stem to stern 2-year restoration of the 1912 carvel plank on frame round bottom tugboat Delaware. I am humbled and feel so fortunate to be given the opportunity to be part of such an awesome project. Check out the museum's sweet floating fleet at cbmm.org. I can say confidently that I will be back at some point, Olympia, but an era of my life (if you will) is truly ending. I have grown as a person immensely while living in this town for one year short of a decade. All the amazing friends I've made that have moved on to follow their paths elsewhere and the ones who's paths still circle this place, I am grateful for the experiences we've shared. Fare thee well! And look out St Michaels, I'll be coming in hot!

Bill Dane

Never to forget  from our Rincon Pt  Carpinteria 1940s child play:
Written by one old-time Hobo  at the small 'camp'  up by the tracks under 101
"They would give me no salt for my beans." 

Bill Dane

Approximately, from a current potboiler:
You have to fight to create and preserve your identity and dignity.
I am sorry and sad it's my crap you have to struggle against.
I'm happy for you there are others.

Bill Dane

I had never seen now-pictures the qualities of which grabbed me like  wow!
Closet-me  this is what I never knew I wanted  until these
Oops  I followed the info ta $,$$$.oo   dam  
+: We need a book advance.  Donate buttons? Not for our un-incrowd!

Bill Dane